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UNDP in Zambia
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UNDP in Zambia
Conservation Agriculture is helping small-scale farmers in Zambia build resilience to climate sho...
February 21st, 2021
With GCF-funding, Farmer Field Schools are helping farming communities in Zambia become better eq...
February 16th, 2021
Responding to the climate crisis in Zambia, the Government has joined a UN coalition led by UNDP,...
February 10th, 2021
A UNDP-GEF partnership is promoting energy-saving stoves in rural communities in support of the g...
August 16th, 2019
With erratic weather patterns and unreliable harvests from rain-fed agriculture, some small-scale...
November 27th, 2019
United Nations Volunteers are supporting Zambia's efforts to address climate change challenges a...
December 10th, 2019
A UNDP-backed, GEF-funded initiative to track down poachers and protect endangered species in Zam...
August 14th, 2019
Promoting non-incineration healthcare waste treatment technologies and phasing down mercury-conta...
April 4th, 2019